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"Sherlock and Larie" JL, pt.4

Mrs. Larie Grimes, Lieutenant Sherlock Grimes,
Posted on 202006.27
  He had been right, she did have dimples and they were even more adorable than he thought they would be.  He quickly kissed them and then smiled as she blushed at the kiss. “Thank you, Larie. I like you and all your scars as well.”  He said and wondered how she would react to that.
  “Scars prove you have learned something in your life.” She said wisely.  “If you don’t accept your scars then you didn’t really learn anything and you will keep making the same mistakes.  We have both learned many life lessons and have the scars to prove it.” She then tilted her head. “Why did you kiss my cheeks?”
  “Because I liked your dimples.”  He said simply and wondered what she would make of that.  She was constantly surprising him. She was an odd mix of innocence and wisdom, naivete and experience.
  Larie looked at him in confusion a minute and then her face cleared.  “Is that what you call those holes in my face? I’m the only one with them and I have been teased about them my whole life.  But if you like them, then I guess I am glad I have them.” She said with acceptance.
  Sherlock had never met anyone who didn’t look at it implants with fear and distrust.  Now this girl, no woman, from Orion who had never before left the security of the hidden clans in the jungle looked at his implants like they were badges of honor.  It made him wonder again about her scars and what she had learned from them. He lightly traced one of the scars on her back and over her shoulder. “Will you tell me about your scars?”  He asked softly.
  “Which ones?”  She replied simply.  “The ones on my back happened when I was about 4 or 5.  I was in the jungle with other littles and our teachers and protectors.  I had stopped to listen to the plants and wasn’t paying attention to the blurrs.  Then a predator came and knocked me on my stomach and started to shred my back. My screaming alerts the protectors and they came and got the predator on me, but it took a long time before my back healed and I could go into the jungle again.  But I learned to never get so intent on what I was doing to not pay attention to what was happening around me.”
  He leaned over and lightly kissed the scars on the top of her back, up near her neck.  He then gently moved his hand down her arm to her hand and lifted it, looking at the puncture scars on her hands and then looked at her, not saying anything.
  She looked at the scars in her hands.  “Those happened after my coming to womanhood ceremony, I was about 10, I think.  I was with the food gathering group that day and we were getting paua fruit. They are about this big,” She moved her hands to indicate they were the size of a large watermelon or pumpkin.  “They have many spikes on them, some we save to use for when we need to put things into the skin of those we heal.” She made movements as it injecting someone with something. “But they were so heavy and so far up the trees, I wasn’t as careful as I should have been and the spines pierced my hands.  Shama was a little worried because I bled for a few days and not all the humma leaves could stop it. But it taught me to remember that no matter how heavy the burden to have a care with it so that I don’t get hurt and burden doesn’t get hurt.”
  Sherlock lifted her hand and kissed her palm softly.  Then he ran his hand gently back up her arm and traced some of the scars on her arms.
  Larie sighed softly.  “When I was 13 and deemed old enough to learn how to gather japlin fish I went to the great current with others who were learning as well as those who knew how to do it.  Japlin fish have venom in the spines that cover their bodies, some of those spines are very sharp. You can’t pierce the skin of the japlin fish until it is already dead or the toxins in the spines poison the flesh and make them worthless for eating.  So you have to catch the japlin around the head and lift the head above water until the suffocates, then you can properly skin and slice the flesh to eat. You have to be strong enough to wrestle with the japlin fish as well as the great current. On my first fish, I didn’t have the grip correct and the fish kept almost getting away and the spines sliced my arms up.  I did finally get the fish to die and took it to shore. I knew enough healing then to use the pika flowers to drain the toxins from my blood and then used humma to stop the bleeding and heal the wounds. But it did leave scars. I haven’t had trouble catching japlin fish since then.”
  Smiling a moment, Sherlock wondered if Larie was always so prone to injury.  If so, then he would need to watch her very carefully to make sure she didn’t get hurt on the station or the ship.  He paused at that thought. He hadn’t even talked to her yet about coming with him to the ship. He supposed he could tell Mardel to come and get Larie and then he would be free of her.  He knew he didn’t want to be free of her. She caught his heart and he didn’t want to let her go. He just wasn’t sure yet how to go from here. He just knew that he wasn’t going to let her get away from him so easily.  He kissed the scars on her arm. Then he reached down and touched her foot.
  Larie flinched a little when he touched her foot.  It wasn’t that there was pain in her foot from that gentle touch.  There was great pain in her heart though, pain she wasn’t sure she would ever be without.  She felt tears come to her eyes, but she wasn’t going to dishonor Jolia by showing such weakness as tears.
  “Those came when I was a little over 10 suns old.  I was out with other sisters, gathering healing plants, leaves, flowers, roots, and such.  We were all being very careful, but a group of hunters came into the jungle where we were gathering.  Jolia was in charge of the group and she was a great protector. I was the youngest and therefor the most valuable in the eyes of the hunters.  Jolia lowered me down into a deep hole in the ground and covered the hole with bushes and leaves and then led the hunters away from me. We didn’t know that at the bottom of that hole were naked conga roots.  Conga roots have thorns, the smallest being this big.” She made a measurement by spreading her thumb and forefinger wide and curling them toward each other, about five to six inches long. “We don’t protect our feet, so the thorns pierced my feet.  Jolia was captured by the hunters and it took the others almost two days to find me. I was almost dead, bleeding from my feet so badly, I am told I had no color to me. When I woke and my feet were all bandaged in humma, I asked about Jolia, I hadn’t seen her.  Tabitha, the Wise Woman gently told me what had happened. Jolia had been taken and she wouldn’t be tamed. Her body was found in the jungle and given burial.” A tear did fall then. It still hurt that Jolia would sacrifice herself for Larie and then wouldn’t be tamed so forced the hunters to kill her rather than submit.  It would probably hurt for her whole life.

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