USF Species Databank: The KlingonsAn Introduction to Klingon CultureqaleghneS (I am honored to see you). Welcome to Qo'noS, the Klingon Homeworld. This section of pages is part of the United Space Federation on the World Wide Web. These Pages I hope will help you become more familiar with Klingon Culture. And now for a little background information on the Homeworld of the Klingon people. Enjoy your stay on Qo'noS! Introduction to Qo'noS:
OriginsGeological information from Klinzai suggests that the world was once rather lush and wet, but suffered catastrophe due to the passing of a large asteroid which altered the orbit of the planet. This asteroid is also thought to have caused enormous pressure in the planet itself which led to disastrous earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Fossilized remains in the underground water pockets and in the lava rock show that a form of Klingon existed before the time of the asteroid. These Klingons bear the same basic genetic markings as present-day Klingons, except without the Imperial mutations, which, as is well-known, bear no chemical resemblance to most of the rest of the life on the planet. It is for these reasons that it is thought that the Klingon people were seeded on Klinzai, possibly by The Preservers, when the planet was lush. It is unknown how some of the early Klingons survived the destruction wrought by the asteroid, but they did and they developed into the rich society that is on the planet today. Anatomy of the Klingon
Klingon History
The Naked Stars...Naked Stars: Since Klingons view themselves as the greatest lifeforms in the universe the concept of worship another entity is not very strong. Klingons control their own destinies and answer to no power (other then the Emperor) for their actions. The Empire acknowledges the power that religion has over other cultures but, it is not so prevalent or powerful in the Klingon experience. As close to religion as the Empire comes is the belief that the stars see all. This allows for a belief in a higher form of Justice and eventual reward/punishment that is sometimes lacking in contemporary Klingon society. Due to heavy cloud cover a clear night is rare on Qo'noS and the stars are held in a certain reverence. Part of the following poem gives an example:
... and though I had slain a thousand foes less one, The Vengeance Flies at Morning
The guns are hot, the hull is ringing, Kahless the UnforgettableKahless the Unforgettable was a Klingon mythic historic figure, a great warrior who united the Klingon Empire some 1,500 years ago. The story of Kahless is the cornerstone of Klingon mythology and religion. Legend has it that the messianic Kahless fought the tyrant Molor, whom he killed with the first Bat'telh or sword of honor. Another of the epic tales of Kahless relates how he fought his brother, Morath, for twelve days and twelve nights because Morath had lied and bought shame to his family. Klingons believe that warriors who die honorably join Kahless, who awaits them in Sto-Vo-Kor, the afterlife. Just before his death Kahless pointed to a star and promised that he would one day return there. Klingon clerics established a monastery on Boreth, a planet orbiting that star, where they waited for centuries for Kahless to return. In the 24th century, the clerics of Boreth devised an elaborate scheme whereby preserved cellular material from Kahless was cloned to produce a replica of the original Kahless. The replica was programmed of with all of the ancient teachings and parables, and actually believed he was the real Kahless. The deception was quickly discovered, but Worf, son of Mogh, pointed out that the new Kahless could be considered the rightful heir to the throne. With support of High Council leader Gowron, the new Kahless was installed in 2369 as ceremonial Emperor of the Klingon people. Another copy of Kahless was created in 2269 when the Excalbians were attempting to study the human concepts of "Good" and "Evil". The Bat'telhThe Bat'telh is the traditional sword of honor resembling a meter-long two-ended scimitar. The Bat'telh was carried along the inside of the arm and controlled by two handholds located on the outside edge of the weapon. Oral history of the sword holds that it was forged when Kahless the Unforgettable dropped a lock of his hair in the lava from the Kri'stak Volcano and then plunged the burning lock into the lake of Lusar and twisted it into a blade. After forging the weapon, he used it to kill the tyrant Molor and named it the "bat'telh", sword of honor. The tale of the sword was never recorded in the sacred texts. Rather it was passed down verbally among the High Clerics. The retelling of the tale was to be test of Kahless's return, as only he and the High Clerics would know the story. The Story of PromiseAfter he had united the Homeworld to form the Klingon Empire, Kahless one day said it was time for him to depart. When the people begged him not to leave, Kahless said he was going ahead to Sto-Vo-Kor, and promised to return one day. He pointed to a star in the heavens and told the people to look for him there "On that point of light." Klingon clerics later established a monastery on the Planet Boreth, orbiting that star, to await his return. The family is important mainly with the sons and the father. The rules for a family differ from the amount of sons in it has. One son is that son represents his family and his father in anything. If there are two, then the oldest son represents the family and the other one is recommended to be in the military so the family can have a standing. Klingon Law is mainly based on honor and the laws are fair but punishments are harsh and tough. Klingon Government is a good deal democracy with some socialism. The government is split into the Klingon High Council, the Klingon Military Council, the People's Council. The Klingon High Council is made of 9 members which are 3 of Military, 2 of Science, 1 of the People's Council Leader, 1 is the ambassador, 1 is the Vice Leader, then the last one is the Empire Enforcer which is like the police leader. The government is peaceful mainly with a very loyal society and empire. The Klingon High Council Leader is the head of the empire, but he must have the support of the empire and of the council. The leader must be a male, he must have a 4 year service in the military with at least 100 battles to his name. They can be wins or looses but requires the majority of them be victories. The Klingon Military Council is made of 3 members. The head which is also a member of the High Council and a head of the left half of the defense The other high council member is head of the right half of the defense. Then the People's Council is like a senate with 3 members from each city with a population of 100,000 or more. The senate number is about 2000 members. The senate meets once a week on the fourth day. The head of it is also a member of the High Council. Citizens are allowed to give limited comments and suggestions not referring to a person's decisions and referring to something else like a thing. There are many Klingon Ceremonies, a lot for both sexes. The two most important male ones are the Age of Ascension which is at 13 years of age. This is when the person is known as a man and is allowed to service in military or any other services. At that time his battles are then recorded. The one part is the birthday which is celebrated in about 3 hours with presents and a toast by the father and a honored guest. One thing about the honored guest is the higher rank of the person. Gowron is liked due to he has many times been invited to these ceremonies. The second part is that the person is put in a extremely hot place (110 F) for about 2 hours. Ten the person is suppose to have a vision. The vision is important. Sometimes it is of a memory of a vision of a long dead person. Some of the lucky ones have had visions of Kahless. Then the last part is the hunt which a party of 3. The person, the father and the honored guest go and the male hunts with the Klingon short spear. It does not matter what animal, but the time is important. The limit is 2 and a half hours. Then the second important male ceremony is the Age of Induction which is at 18 years of age which means you are allowed to enter a council or become the leader of the high council. It is celebrated by the commanding officer. Then his the family's honor is induced into him. The first important female ceremony is the Age of Mate which is at 15 years of age. The female is given a golden necklace to wear and show that she is ready to take a mate. Then the second one is the wedding which almost everywhere is more important with the female. The wedding is a little different. The wedding is at the home of the Bride's Father. There is the groom whom wears the Military Uniform or a brown robe if not in military. The bride wears a bridal dress with it in two parts. There is no need for a required clergy or captain to conduct it. Only the male needs to say in Klingon "I take you :The Bride's Name: for my mate for life I shalt honor and love you". Then if the bridge accepts then she says"I accept to be my mate for life and death I join to your honor". Then the male and female join hands and widen their arms out and press chests then yell in victory and then kiss. The wedding band is a gold ring with the male names' name on the female's middle finger. If the male is in the military a small medal with both the female's and male's name on it. If not in the military he wears a silver ring on the middle finger with the female's name on it. Since the female is usually as strong as the male. The male knows not to cheat, because the female has the right if she chooses to kill or hurt him physically and fight. The female whom he cheated with and is required to wear the wedding band. The wedding can be dissolved by death of the other member. Then the second wedding is the wedding band as a bronze ring or copper medal meaning the first marriage, being the most important. The other way is by having the medals removed by Gowron, but most matings stay together due to it is required to have the rules known to both. A Klingon Death is rejoiced as being happy due to they believe that their spirit goes to Greath Hal which is for the dishonored. The funeral is only the person is next to the death The person at least 10 minute after death then hits the body. If honored it goes to Beher which is through once ruled by Kahless. Then the person yells which is a warning to the death, that a warrior is arriving to join them. Then body is considered empty. The Klingon nation, founded some 1,500 years ago by Kahless the Unforgettable, who first united the Klingon people, by killing the tyrant Molor. First contact with the Klingon empire and the Federation took place in 2218, a disastrous event that led to nearly a century of hostility between the two powers. In 2267 negotiations between the Federation and the Klingon Empire were on the verge of breaking down. The Klingons had issued an ultimatum to the Federation to withdraw from disputed areas claimed by both the Federation and the Klingon Empire or face war. The hostilities came to a head at a planet Organia, the only class M planet in the area. Unknown to either combatants, the Organians were incredibly advanced noncorporeal lifeforms who imposed the Organian peace treaty on both parties, thus effectively ending armed hostilities. The Klingons entered into a brief alliance with the Romulan Star Empire around 2268, when an agreement between the two powers resulted in the sharing of military technology and spacecraft designs, providing the Romulans with Klingon battle cruisers. By the mid-2280's, Klingons were using ships described as Birds-of-Prey that were equipped with cloaking devices. A new chapter in relations between the Klingons and the Federation was opened in 2293 when a catastrophic explosion on Praxis caused serious environmental damage to the homeworld. In the economic disarray that followed, the Klingon chancellor, Gorkon, leader of the high council, found that his empire could no longer afford its massive military forces. Gorkon therefore launched a peace initiative, offering to end some 70 years of hostilities with the Federation. Just prior to a major peace conference, Gorkon was murdered by Federation and Klingon interests who sought to maintain the status quo. Gorkon's successor, his daughter, Azetbur, continued her father's work , and successfully concluded the Khitomer accords with the Federation later that year, ending nearly a century of hostilities. The Klingon High Council was a hotbed of political intrigue that nearly plunged the Empire into civil war in 2367 when council leader K'mpec died of poison. This murder, viewed as a killing without honor under Klingon tradition, triggered a bitter struggle to determine K'mpec's successor. K'mpec had taken the unorthodox precaution of appointing a non-Klingon, Jean-Luc Picard, as his Arbiter of Succession. Under Picard's mediation, political newcomer Gowron emerged as the sole candidate for council leader. Forces loyal to a powerful Duras family unsuccessfully attempted to block Gowron, plunging the Empire into a brief but bitter civil war in early 2368. Though their nation was called an Empire, it had not been ruled by an emperor for more than three centuries. This situation changed rather dramatically in 2369, when clerics of Boreth produced a clone of Kahless the Unforgettable. Although their initial claim that the clone was actually Kahless was quickly disproven, this clone was regarded as the rightful heir to the throne and with the support of the high council leader Gowron was installed as the ceremonial Emperor of the Klingon people. Klingon High CouncilThe Klingon High Council is the ruling body of the Klingon Empire. The council was composed of about two dozen members and met in the Great Hall of the First City of the Klingon Homeworld. The High Council has a long history of political intrigue and power struggles. When council member Duras attempted to unjustly convict the late Mogh of having betrayed his people at Khitomer, the council, led by K'mpec, was willing to let the accusation stand fear the powerful Duras family would plunge the Empire into civil war. K'mpec held the position of council leader for longer than anyone in history, until his death in 2367. His successor, Gowron, successfully fought off a challenge by the Duras family to place Duras's illegitimate son, Toral, as council leader. The struggle culminated in a brief but bitter civil war between council factions in 2368. Gowron's victory was in part achieved by his promise to restore rightful honor to the Mogh family in exchange for military support by the sons of Mogh. d'k tahg was once a member of the council. Honorific & Family LinesHonorificTai, Vestai, Sutai, Zantai, Epitai The Honorific in a Klingon's name (eg. Kahless Vestai-d'k tahg) is an indication of how well thought of that person is within their family line. If there is no Honorific then the person is probably to young to have done anything noteworthy. Any ships officer would be "tai". Perhaps "vestai" if highly placed. A captain of a major vessel would be "sutai" or if they had done something famous or distinguished "zantai". An Admiral would be "zantai" certainly. "epitai" is very rare and would only be used for the leader of a family (large and powerful) line. Family LinesFamily Lines: Klingon lines are more than families and less then the great dynasties of old Earth. They are more like vast networks of mutual obligations and defense agreements. Lines rarely feud because this usually weakens both to the point of destruction. There comes a time when a line becomes so big that some members adopt a new name and become line-founders. Most fail because their first act, in order to become recognized by the High council, is usually something foolishly bold. Still, all potential founder's are still well respected in the Empire.
And though the cold brittles the flesh, Klingon Quotations